Each year billions of dollars are awarded to individuals and businesses in the form of grants and other types of funding. Find for YOUR piece today!


IFCGrant Applications is an online Funding Application System that gives you access to over 20,000 APPLICATION SOURCES, including GRANTS from organizations such as agencies, foundations, businesses, and other volunteer organizations for a small fee. Our team of GRANT RESEARCHERS takes the headache out of researching so you can spend your time submitting applications instead of spending hours and hours researching and sorting through the thousands of funding opportunities on the internet. Once we find a new funding application, we categorize it to make it easy for you to find those applications that you are interested in.

Where does the money come from?

It’s a documented fact that Billions of Dollars in Free Money are donated every year by American Corporate Giving Programs, Foundations, and other Charitable Institutions, Individuals, and Other Agencies. We read daily about gigantic sums of Funding being given to businesses and individuals, just like you, to help them fulfill their goals and dreams, but often times these people will not tell you HOW or WHERE they got this Funding. In order to know HOW and WHERE to tap into these vast treasures, don’t sit around and hope you hear it through the grapevine, find out yourself with the help of IFCGrant Funding Applications.
Many funding opportunities are awarded for projects and businesses for general operating expenses and other capital, such as, a new building or major pieces of equipment. Sometimes you can also include inventory, salaries, labor, advertising, marketing, etc. Also remember that most funding is not available for personal expenses or paying off debt, but there are other assistance programs out there to help you out of your situation!

Don’t wait. The money you need may be given to your neighbor, if they qualify!

Sign up today!

The sad news is most people never submit an application for funding because they don’t know “how” or “who” to submit them to, not to mention the fact that they think it is too hard. It may be easier than you may think, but you will never know until you try, so what are you waiting for?
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